Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3rd

Fasting :  236

Breakfast - multi-grain cheerios / 1% milk
Snack - lowfat yogurt
Lunch - turkey/meunster wheat sandwhich
Snack - none
Dinner - crawfish salad / light toasted asian dressing
Snack - none

After dinner :
Insulin :

Notes :

Exercise :

Delayed but still moving forward.....

Well, there has been a little delay in the healthier me of 2012 but it is beginning this week....I am going to start posting what I am eating, etc.  Along with me insulin and blood sugar tests, starting this coming week.  Time to get back on track, finally.  I want off some of these meds.

Monday, January 9, 2012


2012 is upon us.

I moved to Florida in 2008 and lived there unti late 2009....during that time I lost 117 pounds. I really lost 100 in the first 6 months. It was mainly due to my decision to get serious and focus on healthier eating and the IMMENSE support I got from my parents and my brother.

I have to say with your mind made up it is pretty easy to lose 100 lbs with that kind of help. Well, now I have been back home for a couple of years and while I have not gained back all of the weight I lost, I have gained back too much.

So, now, 2012.

I am going to get my focus back and prove to myself that I can be a healthier eater, on my own.

I am going to the doctor this Thursday, and will weigh in. I will not be posting my weight here, but I will be asking him if I can come in each Thursday morning before class to weigh myself in. I think this weekly weigh-in helps. And, having people there to report to, unofficially always motivates. I will be posted my weight change each week and will keep a running total at the top.

When I started in Florida 3 1/2 years ago, I created a food diary was called :

It helped, I kept track of what I was eating and it was another level of personal accountability. So I am going to start that again here. My healthier eating starts Monday, January 16th. I'll use the old one for meal ideas, etc.

Today, this is for me.

Eventually, I will share it with others so they can watch my progress.

Here we go.